GCP Storage Bucket binding spec

Detailed documentation on the GCP Storage Bucket binding component

Component format

To setup GCP Storage Bucket binding create a component of type bindings.gcp.bucket. See this guide on how to create and apply a binding configuration.

apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
kind: Component
  name: <NAME>
  type: bindings.gcp.bucket
  version: v1
  - name: bucket
    value: "mybucket"
  - name: type
    value: "service_account"
  - name: project_id
    value: "project_111"
  - name: private_key_id
    value: "*************"
  - name: client_email
    value: "name@domain.com"
  - name: client_id
    value: "1111111111111111"
  - name: auth_uri
    value: "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth"
  - name: token_uri
    value: "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token"
  - name: auth_provider_x509_cert_url
    value: "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs"
  - name: client_x509_cert_url
    value: "https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/<project-name>.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
  - name: private_key
    value: "PRIVATE KEY"
  - name: decodeBase64
    value: "<bool>"
  - name: encodeBase64
    value: "<bool>"

Spec metadata fields

Field Required Binding support Details Example
bucket Y Output The bucket name "mybucket"
type Y Output Tge GCP credentials type "service_account"
project_id Y Output GCP project id projectId
private_key_id Y Output GCP private key id "privateKeyId"
private_key Y Output GCP credentials private key. Replace with x509 cert 12345-12345
client_email Y Output GCP client email "client@email.com"
client_id Y Output GCP client id 0123456789-0123456789
auth_uri Y Output Google account OAuth endpoint https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth
token_uri Y Output Google account token uri https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token
auth_provider_x509_cert_url Y Output GCP credentials cert url https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs
client_x509_cert_url Y Output GCP credentials project x509 cert url https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/<PROJECT_NAME>.iam.gserviceaccount.com
decodeBase64 N Output Configuration to decode base64 file content before saving to bucket storage. (In case of saving a file with binary content). true is the only allowed positive value. Other positive variations like "True", "1" are not acceptable. Defaults to false true, false
encodeBase64 N Output Configuration to encode base64 file content before return the content. (In case of opening a file with binary content). true is the only allowed positive value. Other positive variations like "True", "1" are not acceptable. Defaults to false true, false

Binding support

This component supports output binding with the following operations:

Create file

To perform a create operation, invoke the GCP Storage Bucket binding with a POST method and the following JSON body:

Note: by default, a random UUID is generated. See below for Metadata support to set the name

  "operation": "create",
  "data": "YOUR_CONTENT"

The metadata parameters are:

  • key - (optional) the name of the object
  • decodeBase64 - (optional) configuration to decode base64 file content before saving to storage


Save text to a random generated UUID file

On Windows, utilize cmd prompt (PowerShell has different escaping mechanism)

curl -d "{ \"operation\": \"create\", \"data\": \"Hello World\" }" http://localhost:<dapr-port>/v1.0/bindings/<binding-name>

curl -d '{ "operation": "create", "data": "Hello World" }' \
Save text to a specific file

curl -d "{ \"operation\": \"create\", \"data\": \"Hello World\", \"metadata\": { \"key\": \"my-test-file.txt\" } }" \

curl -d '{ "operation": "create", "data": "Hello World", "metadata": { "key": "my-test-file.txt" } }' \
Upload a file

To upload a file, pass the file contents as the data payload; you may want to encode this in e.g. Base64 for binary content.

Then you can upload it as you would normally:

curl -d "{ \"operation\": \"create\", \"data\": \"(YOUR_FILE_CONTENTS)\", \"metadata\": { \"key\": \"my-test-file.jpg\" } }" http://localhost:<dapr-port>/v1.0/bindings/<binding-name>

curl -d '{ "operation": "create", "data": "$(cat my-test-file.jpg)", "metadata": { "key": "my-test-file.jpg" } }' \


The response body will contain the following JSON:

    "objectURL":"https://storage.googleapis.com/<your bucket>/<key>",

Get object

To perform a get file operation, invoke the GCP bucket binding with a POST method and the following JSON body:

  "operation": "get",
  "metadata": {
    "key": "my-test-file.txt"

The metadata parameters are:

  • key - the name of the object
  • encodeBase64 - (optional) configuration to encode base64 file content before return the content.


curl -d '{ \"operation\": \"get\", \"metadata\": { \"key\": \"my-test-file.txt\" }}' http://localhost:<dapr-port>/v1.0/bindings/<binding-name>

curl -d '{ "operation": "get", "metadata": { "key": "my-test-file.txt" }}' \


The response body contains the value stored in the object.

Delete object

To perform a delete object operation, invoke the GCP bucket binding with a POST method and the following JSON body:

  "operation": "delete",
  "metadata": {
    "key": "my-test-file.txt"

The metadata parameters are:

  • key - the name of the object


Delete object

curl -d '{ \"operation\": \"delete\", \"metadata\": { \"key\": \"my-test-file.txt\" }}' http://localhost:<dapr-port>/v1.0/bindings/<binding-name>

curl -d '{ "operation": "delete", "metadata": { "key": "my-test-file.txt" }}' \


An HTTP 204 (No Content) and empty body will be retuned if successful.

List objects

To perform a list object operation, invoke the S3 binding with a POST method and the following JSON body:

  "operation": "list",
  "data": {
    "maxResults": 10,
    "prefix": "file",
    "delimiter": "i0FvxAn2EOEL6"

The data parameters are:

  • maxResults - (optional) sets the maximum number of keys returned in the response. By default the action returns up to 1,000 key names. The response might contain fewer keys but will never contain more.
  • prefix - (optional) it can be used to filter objects starting with prefix.
  • delimiter - (optional) it can be used to restrict the results to only the kobjects in the given “directory”. Without the delimiter, the entire tree under the prefix is returned


The response body contains the list of found objects.

The list of objects will be returned as JSON array in the following form:

		"Bucket": "<your bucket>",
		"Name": "02WGzEdsUWNlQ",
		"ContentType": "image/png",
		"ContentLanguage": "",
		"CacheControl": "",
		"EventBasedHold": false,
		"TemporaryHold": false,
		"RetentionExpirationTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"ACL": null,
		"PredefinedACL": "",
		"Owner": "",
		"Size": 5187,
		"ContentEncoding": "",
		"ContentDisposition": "",
		"MD5": "aQdLBCYV0BxA51jUaxc3pQ==",
		"CRC32C": 1058633505,
		"MediaLink": "https://storage.googleapis.com/download/storage/v1/b/<your bucket>/o/02WGzEdsUWNlQ?generation=1631553155678071&alt=media",
		"Metadata": null,
		"Generation": 1631553155678071,
		"Metageneration": 1,
		"StorageClass": "STANDARD",
		"Created": "2021-09-13T17:12:35.679Z",
		"Deleted": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"Updated": "2021-09-13T17:12:35.679Z",
		"CustomerKeySHA256": "",
		"KMSKeyName": "",
		"Prefix": "",
		"Etag": "CPf+mpK5/PICEAE="

Last modified February 15, 2025: Update deprecated exporter (#4543) (27683a6)