dashboard CLI command reference

Detailed information on the dashboard CLI command


Start Dapr dashboard.

Supported platforms


dapr dashboard [flags]


Name Environment Variable Default Description
--address, -a localhost Address to listen on. Only accepts IP address or localhost as a value
--help, -h Prints this help message
--kubernetes, -k false Opens Dapr dashboard in local browser via local proxy to Kubernetes cluster
--namespace, -n dapr-system The namespace where Dapr dashboard is running
--port, -p 8080 The local port on which to serve Dapr dashboard
--version, -v false Print the version for Dapr dashboard


# Start dashboard locally
dapr dashboard

# Start dashboard service locally on a specified port
dapr dashboard -p 9999

# Port forward to dashboard service running in Kubernetes
dapr dashboard -k

# Port forward to dashboard service running in Kubernetes on all addresses on a specified port
dapr dashboard -k -p 9999 --address

# Port forward to dashboard service running in Kubernetes on a specified port
dapr dashboard -k -p 9999

Warning messages - Kubernetes Mode

This command can issue warning messages.

Root certificate renewal warning

If the mtls root certificate deployed to the Kubernetes cluster expires in under 30 days the following warning message is displayed:

Dapr root certificate of your Kubernetes cluster expires in <n> days. Expiry date: <date:time> UTC. 
Please see docs.dapr.io for certificate renewal instructions to avoid service interruptions.

Last modified February 15, 2025: Update deprecated exporter (#4543) (27683a6)