Distributed Lock API reference

Detailed documentation on the distributed lock API


This endpoint lets you acquire a lock by supplying a named lock owner and the resource ID to lock.

HTTP Request

POST http://localhost:<daprPort>/v1.0-alpha1/lock/<storename>

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
daprPort The Dapr port
storename The metadata.name field component file. Refer to the component schema

Query Parameters


HTTP Response codes

Code Description
200 Request successful
204 Empty Response
400 Malformed request
500 Request failed

HTTP Request Body

The lock endpoint receives the following JSON payload:

    "resourceId": "",
    "lockOwner": "",
    "expiryInSeconds": 0
Field Description
resourceId The ID of the resource to lock. Can be any value
lockOwner The name of the lock owner. Should be set to a unique value per-request
expiryInSeconds The time in seconds to hold the lock before it expires

HTTP Response Body

The lock endpoint returns the following payload:

    "success": true


curl -X POST http://localhost:3500/v1.0-alpha/lock/redisStore \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
        "resourceId": "lock1",
        "lockOwner": "vader",
        "expiryInSeconds": 60

    "success": "true"


This endpoint lets you unlock an existing lock based on the lock owner and resource Id

HTTP Request

POST http://localhost:<daprPort>/v1.0-alpha1/unlock/<storename>

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
daprPort The Dapr port
storename The metadata.name field component file. Refer to the component schema

Query Parameters


HTTP Response codes

Code Description
200 Request successful
204 Empty Response
400 Malformed request
500 Request failed

HTTP Request Body

The unlock endpoint receives the following JSON payload:

    "resourceId": "",
    "lockOwner": ""

HTTP Response Body

The unlock endpoint returns the following payload:

    "status": 0

The status field contains the following response codes:

Code Description
0 Success
1 Lock doesn’t exist
2 Lock belongs to another owner
3 Internal error


curl -X POST http://localhost:3500/v1.0-alpha/unlock/redisStore \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
        "resourceId": "lock1",
        "lockOwner": "vader"

    "status": 0

Last modified February 15, 2025: Update deprecated exporter (#4543) (27683a6)