How-to guide template
Suggested template and guidance for creating a how-to guide
Contributing a new how-to guide
How-to guides provide step-by-step practical guidance to readers who wish to:
- Enable a feature
- Integrate a technology
- Use Dapr in a specific scenario
How-to guides can be considered “next-level”, self-guided docs compared to quickstarts. How-to scenarios will take longer and can be more easily applied to the reader’s individual project or environment.
When naming your how-to document, include the sub-directory name in the file name. If you need to create a new sub-directory, make sure it’s descriptive and includes the relevant component or concept name. For example, pubsub-namespaces.
This template is only a suggestion. Feel free to change based on your document’s purpose.Learn more about contributing to the Dapr docs, like front-matter and shortcodes.
type: #Required; docs
title: #Required; "How to: Brief, clear title"
linkTitle: #Required; "How to: Shorter than regular title, to show in table of contents"
weight: #Required; Use the correct weight based on hierarchy
description: #Required; One-sentence description of what to expect in the article
Remove all the comments in this template before opening a PR.
H1: The title in the Hugo front-matter serves as the article's markdown H1.
<!-- Introductory paragraph
Required. Light intro that briefly describes what the how-to will cover and any default Dapr characteristics. Link off to the appropriate concept or overview docs to provide context. -->
Include a diagram or image, if possible.
If applicable, link to the related quickstart in a shortcode note or alert with text like:
If you haven't already, [try out the <topic> quickstart](link) for a quick walk-through on how to use <topic>.
Make sure the how-to includes examples for multiple programming languages, OS, or deployment targets, if applicable.
## <Action or task>
Unlike quickstarts, do not use "Step 1", "Step 2", etc.
## <Action or task>
Each H2 step should start with a verb/action word.
Include code snippets where possible.
## Next steps
Link to related pages and examples. For example, the building block overview, the related tutorial, API reference, etc.
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Last modified March 24, 2025: Fixed spelling mistake in (#4593) (8a29b39)