Kubernetes Secrets

Detailed information on the Kubernetes secret cryptography component

Component format

The purpose of this component is to load the Kubernetes secret named after the key name.

A Dapr crypto.yaml component file has the following structure:

apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
kind: Component
  name: <NAME>
  type: crypto.dapr.kubernetes.secrets
  version: v1

Spec metadata fields

| Field | Required | Details | Example | |——————–|:——–:|————|—–|———| | defaultNamespace | N | Default namespace to retrieve secrets from. If unset, the namespace must be specified for each key, as namespace/secretName/key | "default-ns" | | kubeconfigPath | N | The path to the kubeconfig file. If not specified, the component uses the default in-cluster config value | "/path/to/kubeconfig"

Cryptography building block