

本示例使用 Redis 配置存储组件演示如何检索配置项。

Diagram showing get configuration of example service


在支持的配置存储区中创建一个配置项。 这可以是一个简单的键值项,键值可任意选择。 如前所述,本示例使用了 Redis 配置存储组件。

使用 Docker 运行 Redis

docker run --name my-redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis:6


使用Redis CLI连接到Redis实例:

redis-cli -p 6379


MSET orderId1 "101||1" orderId2 "102||1"

配置 Dapr 配置存储

将以下组件文件保存到您的机器上的默认组件文件夹中。 您可以将其用作 Dapr 组件 YAML:

  • 对于使用 kubectl 的 Kubernetes。
  • 使用 Dapr CLI 运行时。
apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
kind: Component
  name: configstore
  type: configuration.redis
  - name: redisHost
    value: localhost:6379
  - name: redisPassword
    value: <PASSWORD>



下面的示例展示了如何使用 Dapr 配置 API 获取已保存的配置项。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapr.Client;

namespace ConfigurationApi
    public class Program
        private static readonly string CONFIG_STORE_NAME = "configstore";

        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            using var client = new DaprClientBuilder().Build();
            var configuration = await client.GetConfiguration(CONFIG_STORE_NAME, new List<string>() { "orderId1", "orderId2" });
            Console.WriteLine($"Got key=\n{configuration[0].Key} -> {configuration[0].Value}\n{configuration[1].Key} -> {configuration[1].Value}");

import io.dapr.client.DaprClientBuilder;
import io.dapr.client.DaprClient;
import io.dapr.client.domain.ConfigurationItem;
import io.dapr.client.domain.GetConfigurationRequest;
import io.dapr.client.domain.SubscribeConfigurationRequest;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

private static final String CONFIG_STORE_NAME = "configstore";

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    try (DaprClient client = (new DaprClientBuilder()).build()) {
      List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>();
      GetConfigurationRequest req = new GetConfigurationRequest(CONFIG_STORE_NAME, keys);
      try {
        Mono<List<ConfigurationItem>> items = client.getConfiguration(req);
      } catch (Exception ex) {

from dapr.clients import DaprClient
with DaprClient() as d:
        CONFIG_STORE_NAME = 'configstore'
        keys = ['orderId1', 'orderId2']
        #Startup time for dapr
        configuration = d.get_configuration(store_name=CONFIG_STORE_NAME, keys=[keys], config_metadata={})
        print(f"Got key={configuration.items[0].key} value={configuration.items[0].value} version={configuration.items[0].version}")

package main

import (

	dapr "github.com/dapr/go-sdk/client"

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := dapr.NewClient()
	if err != nil {
	items, err := client.GetConfigurationItems(ctx, "configstore", ["orderId1","orderId2"])
	if err != nil {
  for key, item := range items {
    fmt.Printf("get config: key = %s value = %s version = %s",key,(*item).Value, (*item).Version)

import { CommunicationProtocolEnum, DaprClient } from "@dapr/dapr";

// JS SDK does not support Configuration API over HTTP protocol yet
const protocol = CommunicationProtocolEnum.GRPC;
const host = process.env.DAPR_HOST ?? "localhost";
const port = process.env.DAPR_GRPC_PORT ?? 3500;

const DAPR_CONFIGURATION_STORE = "configstore";
const CONFIGURATION_ITEMS = ["orderId1", "orderId2"];

async function main() {
  const client = new DaprClient(host, port, protocol);
  // Get config items from the config store
  try {
    const config = await client.configuration.get(DAPR_CONFIGURATION_STORE, CONFIGURATION_ITEMS);
    Object.keys(config.items).forEach((key) => {
      console.log("Configuration for " + key + ":", JSON.stringify(config.items[key]));
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("Could not get config item, err:" + error);

main().catch((e) => console.error(e));

启动 Dapr Sidecar:

dapr run --app-id orderprocessing --dapr-http-port 3601


curl http://localhost:3601/v1.0/configuration/configstore?key=orderId1

启动 Dapr Sidecar:

dapr run --app-id orderprocessing --dapr-http-port 3601


Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'http://localhost:3601/v1.0/configuration/configstore?key=orderId1'


以下是利用 SDK 订阅 [orderId1, orderId2] 的代码示例,使用的是 configstore 商店组件。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapr.Client;

const string DAPR_CONFIGURATION_STORE = "configstore";
var CONFIGURATION_KEYS = new List<string> { "orderId1", "orderId2" };
var client = new DaprClientBuilder().Build();

// Subscribe for configuration changes
SubscribeConfigurationResponse subscribe = await client.SubscribeConfiguration(DAPR_CONFIGURATION_STORE, CONFIGURATION_ITEMS);

// Print configuration changes
await foreach (var items in subscribe.Source)
  // First invocation when app subscribes to config changes only returns subscription id
  if (items.Keys.Count == 0)
    Console.WriteLine("App subscribed to config changes with subscription id: " + subscribe.Id);
    subscriptionId = subscribe.Id;
  var cfg = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(items);
  Console.WriteLine("Configuration update " + cfg);

导航到包含上述代码的目录,然后运行以下命令启动 Dapr sidecar 和订阅程序:

dapr run --app-id orderprocessing -- dotnet run

using System;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using Dapr.Client;
using Dapr.Extensions.Configuration;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;

namespace ConfigurationApi
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Starting application.");
            Console.WriteLine("Closing application.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates WebHost Builder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns IHostbuilder.</returns>
        public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args)
            var client = new DaprClientBuilder().Build();
            return Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
                .ConfigureAppConfiguration(config =>
                    // Get the initial value and continue to watch it for changes.
                    config.AddDaprConfigurationStore("configstore", new List<string>() { "orderId1","orderId2" }, client, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20));
                    config.AddStreamingDaprConfigurationStore("configstore", new List<string>() { "orderId1","orderId2" }, client, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20));

                .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>

导航到包含上述代码的目录,然后运行以下命令启动 Dapr sidecar 和订阅程序:

dapr run --app-id orderprocessing -- dotnet run

import io.dapr.client.DaprClientBuilder;
import io.dapr.client.DaprClient;
import io.dapr.client.domain.ConfigurationItem;
import io.dapr.client.domain.GetConfigurationRequest;
import io.dapr.client.domain.SubscribeConfigurationRequest;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

private static final String CONFIG_STORE_NAME = "configstore";
private static String subscriptionId = null;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    try (DaprClient client = (new DaprClientBuilder()).build()) {
      // Subscribe for config changes
      List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>();
      Flux<SubscribeConfigurationResponse> subscription = client.subscribeConfiguration(DAPR_CONFIGURATON_STORE,keys);

      // Read config changes for 20 seconds
      subscription.subscribe((response) -> {
          // First ever response contains the subscription id
          if (response.getItems() == null || response.getItems().isEmpty()) {
              subscriptionId = response.getSubscriptionId();
              System.out.println("App subscribed to config changes with subscription id: " + subscriptionId);
          } else {
              response.getItems().forEach((k, v) -> {
                  System.out.println("Configuration update for " + k + ": {'value':'" + v.getValue() + "'}");

导航到包含上述代码的目录,然后运行以下命令启动 Dapr sidecar 和订阅程序:

dapr run --app-id orderprocessing -- -- mvn spring-boot:run

from dapr.clients import DaprClient

def handler(id: str, resp: ConfigurationResponse):
    for key in resp.items:
        print(f"Subscribed item received key={key} value={resp.items[key].value} "
              f"version={resp.items[key].version} "
              f"metadata={resp.items[key].metadata}", flush=True)

def executeConfiguration():
    with DaprClient() as d:
        storeName = 'configurationstore'
        keys = ['orderId1', 'orderId2']
        id = d.subscribe_configuration(store_name=storeName, keys=keys,
                          handler=handler, config_metadata={})
        print("Subscription ID is", id, flush=True)


导航到包含上述代码的目录,然后运行以下命令启动 Dapr sidecar 和订阅程序:

dapr run --app-id orderprocessing -- python3 OrderProcessingService.py

package main

import (

	dapr "github.com/dapr/go-sdk/client"

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := dapr.NewClient()
	if err != nil {
  subscribeID, err := client.SubscribeConfigurationItems(ctx, "configstore", []string{"orderId1", "orderId2"}, func(id string, items map[string]*dapr.ConfigurationItem) {
  for k, v := range items {
    fmt.Printf("get updated config key = %s, value = %s version = %s \n", k, v.Value, v.Version)
	if err != nil {

导航到包含上述代码的目录,然后运行以下命令启动 Dapr sidecar 和订阅程序:

dapr run --app-id orderprocessing -- go run main.go

import { CommunicationProtocolEnum, DaprClient } from "@dapr/dapr";

// JS SDK does not support Configuration API over HTTP protocol yet
const protocol = CommunicationProtocolEnum.GRPC;
const host = process.env.DAPR_HOST ?? "localhost";
const port = process.env.DAPR_GRPC_PORT ?? 3500;

const DAPR_CONFIGURATION_STORE = "configstore";
const CONFIGURATION_ITEMS = ["orderId1", "orderId2"];

async function main() {
  const client = new DaprClient(host, port, protocol);
  // Subscribe to config updates
  try {
    const stream = await client.configuration.subscribeWithKeys(
      (config) => {
        console.log("Configuration update", JSON.stringify(config.items));
    // Unsubscribe to config updates and exit app after 20 seconds
    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log("App unsubscribed to config changes");
    }, 20000);
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("Error subscribing to config updates, err:" + error);
main().catch((e) => console.error(e));

导航到包含上述代码的目录,然后运行以下命令启动 Dapr sidecar 和订阅程序:

dapr run --app-id orderprocessing --app-protocol grpc --dapr-grpc-port 3500 -- node index.js


订阅监视配置项目后,您将收到所有订阅密钥的更新。 要停止接收更新,您需要明确调用取消订阅 API。

以下代码示例展示了如何使用取消订阅 API 取消订阅配置更新。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapr.Client;

const string DAPR_CONFIGURATION_STORE = "configstore";
var client = new DaprClientBuilder().Build();

// Unsubscribe to config updates and exit the app
async Task unsubscribe(string subscriptionId)
    await client.UnsubscribeConfiguration(DAPR_CONFIGURATION_STORE, subscriptionId);
    Console.WriteLine("App unsubscribed from config changes");
  catch (Exception ex)
    Console.WriteLine("Error unsubscribing from config updates: " + ex.Message);

import io.dapr.client.DaprClientBuilder;
import io.dapr.client.DaprClient;
import io.dapr.client.domain.ConfigurationItem;
import io.dapr.client.domain.GetConfigurationRequest;
import io.dapr.client.domain.SubscribeConfigurationRequest;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

private static final String CONFIG_STORE_NAME = "configstore";
private static String subscriptionId = null;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    try (DaprClient client = (new DaprClientBuilder()).build()) {
      // Unsubscribe from config changes
      UnsubscribeConfigurationResponse unsubscribe = client
              .unsubscribeConfiguration(subscriptionId, DAPR_CONFIGURATON_STORE).block();
      if (unsubscribe.getIsUnsubscribed()) {
          System.out.println("App unsubscribed to config changes");
      } else {
          System.out.println("Error unsubscribing to config updates, err:" + unsubscribe.getMessage());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Error unsubscribing to config updates," + e.getMessage());

import asyncio
import time
import logging
from dapr.clients import DaprClient
subscriptionID = ""

with DaprClient() as d:
  isSuccess = d.unsubscribe_configuration(store_name='configstore', id=subscriptionID)
  print(f"Unsubscribed successfully? {isSuccess}", flush=True)

package main

import (

	dapr "github.com/dapr/go-sdk/client"

var DAPR_CONFIGURATION_STORE = "configstore"
var subscriptionID = ""

func main() {
	client, err := dapr.NewClient()
	if err != nil {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
	defer cancel()
  if err := client.UnsubscribeConfigurationItems(ctx, DAPR_CONFIGURATION_STORE , subscriptionID); err != nil {

import { CommunicationProtocolEnum, DaprClient } from "@dapr/dapr";

// JS SDK does not support Configuration API over HTTP protocol yet
const protocol = CommunicationProtocolEnum.GRPC;
const host = process.env.DAPR_HOST ?? "localhost";
const port = process.env.DAPR_GRPC_PORT ?? 3500;

const DAPR_CONFIGURATION_STORE = "configstore";
const CONFIGURATION_ITEMS = ["orderId1", "orderId2"];

async function main() {
  const client = new DaprClient(host, port, protocol);

  try {
    const stream = await client.configuration.subscribeWithKeys(
      (config) => {
        console.log("Configuration update", JSON.stringify(config.items));
    setTimeout(() => {
      // Unsubscribe to config updates
      console.log("App unsubscribed to config changes");
    }, 20000);
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("Error subscribing to config updates, err:" + error);

main().catch((e) => console.error(e));

curl 'http://localhost:<DAPR_HTTP_PORT>/v1.0/configuration/configstore/<subscription-id>/unsubscribe'

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'http://localhost:<DAPR_HTTP_PORT>/v1.0/configuration/configstore/<subscription-id>/unsubscribe'
