Redis binding spec

Detailed documentation on the Redis binding component

Component format

To setup Redis binding create a component of type bindings.redis. See this guide on how to create and apply a binding configuration.

kind: Component
  name: <NAME>
  type: bindings.redis
  version: v1
  - name: redisHost
    value: "<address>:6379"
  - name: redisPassword
    value: "**************"
  - name: useEntraID
    value: "true"
  - name: enableTLS
    value: "<bool>"

Spec metadata fields

Field Required Binding support Details Example
redisHost Y Output The Redis host address "localhost:6379"
redisPassword N Output The Redis password "password"
redisUsername N Output Username for Redis host. Defaults to empty. Make sure your redis server version is 6 or above, and have created acl rule correctly. "username"
useEntraID N Output Implements EntraID support for Azure Cache for Redis. Before enabling this:
  • The redisHost name must be specified in the form of "server:port"
  • TLS must be enabled
Learn more about this setting under Create a Redis instance > Azure Cache for Redis
"true", "false"
enableTLS N Output If the Redis instance supports TLS with public certificates it can be configured to enable or disable TLS. Defaults to "false" "true", "false"
clientCert N Output The content of the client certificate, used for Redis instances that require client-side certificates. Must be used with clientKey and enableTLS must be set to true. It is recommended to use a secret store as described here "----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIC..."
clientKey N Output The content of the client private key, used in conjunction with clientCert for authentication. It is recommended to use a secret store as described here "----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIE..."
failover N Output Property to enabled failover configuration. Needs sentinalMasterName to be set. Defaults to "false" "true", "false"
sentinelMasterName N Output The sentinel master name. See Redis Sentinel Documentation "", ""
redeliverInterval N Output The interval between checking for pending messages to redelivery. Defaults to "60s". "0" disables redelivery. "30s"
processingTimeout N Output The amount time a message must be pending before attempting to redeliver it. Defaults to "15s". "0" disables redelivery. "30s"
redisType N Output The type of redis. There are two valid values, one is "node" for single node mode, the other is "cluster" for redis cluster mode. Defaults to "node". "cluster"
redisDB N Output Database selected after connecting to redis. If "redisType" is "cluster" this option is ignored. Defaults to "0". "0"
redisMaxRetries N Output Maximum number of times to retry commands before giving up. Default is to not retry failed commands. "5"
redisMinRetryInterval N Output Minimum backoff for redis commands between each retry. Default is "8ms"; "-1" disables backoff. "8ms"
redisMaxRetryInterval N Output Maximum backoff for redis commands between each retry. Default is "512ms";"-1" disables backoff. "5s"
dialTimeout N Output Dial timeout for establishing new connections. Defaults to "5s". "5s"
readTimeout N Output Timeout for socket reads. If reached, redis commands will fail with a timeout instead of blocking. Defaults to "3s", "-1" for no timeout. "3s"
writeTimeout N Output Timeout for socket writes. If reached, redis commands will fail with a timeout instead of blocking. Defaults is readTimeout. "3s"
poolSize N Output Maximum number of socket connections. Default is 10 connections per every CPU as reported by runtime.NumCPU. "20"
poolTimeout N Output Amount of time client waits for a connection if all connections are busy before returning an error. Default is readTimeout + 1 second. "5s"
maxConnAge N Output Connection age at which the client retires (closes) the connection. Default is to not close aged connections. "30m"
minIdleConns N Output Minimum number of idle connections to keep open in order to avoid the performance degradation associated with creating new connections. Defaults to "0". "2"
idleCheckFrequency N Output Frequency of idle checks made by idle connections reaper. Default is "1m". "-1" disables idle connections reaper. "-1"
idleTimeout N Output Amount of time after which the client closes idle connections. Should be less than server’s timeout. Default is "5m". "-1" disables idle timeout check. "10m"

Binding support

This component supports output binding with the following operations:

  • create
  • get
  • delete


You can store a record in Redis using the create operation. This sets a key to hold a value. If the key already exists, the value is overwritten.


  "operation": "create",
  "metadata": {
    "key": "key1"
  "data": {
    "Hello": "World",
    "Lorem": "Ipsum"


An HTTP 204 (No Content) and empty body is returned if successful.


You can get a record in Redis using the get operation. This gets a key that was previously set.

This takes an optional parameter delete, which is by default false. When it is set to true, this operation uses the GETDEL operation of Redis. For example, it returns the value which was previously set and then deletes it.


  "operation": "get",
  "metadata": {
    "key": "key1"
  "data": {


  "data": {
    "Hello": "World",
    "Lorem": "Ipsum"

Request with delete flag

  "operation": "get",
  "metadata": {
    "key": "key1",
    "delete": "true"
  "data": {


You can delete a record in Redis using the delete operation. Returns success whether the key exists or not.


  "operation": "delete",
  "metadata": {
    "key": "key1"


An HTTP 204 (No Content) and empty body is returned if successful.

Create a Redis instance

Dapr can use any Redis instance - containerized, running on your local dev machine, or a managed cloud service, provided the version of Redis is 5.0.0 or later.

Note: Dapr does not support Redis >= 7. It is recommended to use Redis 6

The Dapr CLI will automatically create and setup a Redis Streams instance for you. The Redis instance will be installed via Docker when you run dapr init, and the component file will be created in default directory. ($HOME/.dapr/components directory (Mac/Linux) or %USERPROFILE%\.dapr\components on Windows).

You can use Helm to quickly create a Redis instance in our Kubernetes cluster. This approach requires Installing Helm.

  1. Install Redis into your cluster.

    helm repo add bitnami
    helm install redis bitnami/redis --set image.tag=6.2
  2. Run kubectl get pods to see the Redis containers now running in your cluster.

  3. Add redis-master:6379 as the redisHost in your redis.yaml file. For example:

        - name: redisHost
          value: redis-master:6379
  4. Next, we’ll get our Redis password, which is slightly different depending on the OS we’re using:

    • Windows: Run kubectl get secret --namespace default redis -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" > encoded.b64, which will create a file with your encoded password. Next, run certutil -decode encoded.b64 password.txt, which will put your redis password in a text file called password.txt. Copy the password and delete the two files.

    • Linux/MacOS: Run kubectl get secret --namespace default redis -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 --decode and copy the outputted password.

    Add this password as the redisPassword value in your redis.yaml file. For example:

        - name: redisPassword
          value: "lhDOkwTlp0"

  1. Create an Azure Cache for Redis instance using the official Microsoft documentation.

  2. Once your instance is created, grab the Host name (FQDN) and your access key from the Azure portal.

    • For the Host name:
      • Navigate to the resource’s Overview page.
      • Copy the Host name value.
    • For your access key:
      • Navigate to Settings > Access Keys.
      • Copy and save your key.
  3. Add your key and your host name to a redis.yaml file that Dapr can apply to your cluster.

    • If you’re running a sample, add the host and key to the provided redis.yaml.
    • If you’re creating a project from the ground up, create a redis.yaml file as specified in the Component format section.
  4. Set the redisHost key to [HOST NAME FROM PREVIOUS STEP]:6379 and the redisPassword key to the key you saved earlier.

    Note: In a production-grade application, follow secret management instructions to securely manage your secrets.

  5. Enable EntraID support:

    • Enable Entra ID authentication on your Azure Redis server. This may takes a few minutes.
    • Set useEntraID to "true" to implement EntraID support for Azure Cache for Redis.
  6. Set enableTLS to "true" to support TLS.

Note:useEntraID assumes that either your UserPrincipal (via AzureCLICredential) or the SystemAssigned managed identity have the RedisDataOwner role permission. If a user-assigned identity is used, you need to specify the azureClientID property.